Coding Structure

News coding is about keeping track of the companies, markets and economies that matter most to you, finding what you are looking for quickly, and blocking out superfluous clutter. It may be a somewhat boring subject to many (okay, almost all), but done well, it is out of sight, out of mind, doing worthy service.

All content from Alliance News and its partners gets tagged with our proprietary coding. Impressive, but actually our goal is to have and use as few codes as possible.

We try to think about what our subscribers want to find when they search or filter using a code. So for example we only apply geographic codes to economic, political and general news stories about that country. Companies and markets operate across borders, so stories about these don’t receive geographic codes.

Most importantly, our coding tells you which is the primary company within a company news story. That is, which company mentioned in a news story is the story really about. We even tell you if the news is truly significant to that company, and whenever clear to us, whether the story is likely to be positive or negative for sentiment toward the company’s shares.

Finally, we tag as top news those stories we expect to be the day’s biggest talking points. And that’s not always easy at 7 am.

