Our Mission

Alliance News is still a new company, but it has an old job to do. We report on companies, markets and economics for investors and their advisers at the same pace as finance itself operates.

ALL News Professional Sample

We uncover news and check facts while there is still money to be made.

There is a lot of business news around, but much of it is of little use at the point of trade. It may be too late. Too long to read when time is short. Or flat out wrong. It also tends to be about the same well-known companies over and over again.

When Alliance News first started out in 2013 as a UK news wire, we brought well over 50 years of financial news and technology experience to bear on the problem. We had experienced firsthand what works and what doesn’t.

Since then, we have expanded to cover business in Italy, South Africa, and now the globe, but we haven’t forgotten the commitment we made to the investment public.

Our reporters and editors focus on speed and accuracy. We are consistent in what we cover and reliable in doing so. We cover the biggest companies and most connected economies but don’t neglect the smaller companies that make better investments than newspaper headlines.

We also know that if you can’t find a story, or didn’t see it because there was too much noise, it may as well not have been written. Sensible content tagging – including identifying the primary company mentioned in a news story – is central to our Editorial Policy.

Our news team is here to serve the financial community. Please Contact us and let us know what you think.